"Launched in about a week"

"Launched in about a week"

"Launched in about a week"

How Predis.ai leverages Polotno to serve 100k+ users monthly

How Predis.ai leverages Polotno to serve 100k+ users monthly

How Predis.ai leverages Polotno to serve 100k+ users monthly

30% users engaged

Up to 30% of monthly active users engage with Polotno's editing functionality

4+ months of work saved

Predis saved months of engineering work compared to building an in-house solution

Launched in <2 weeks

Polotno enabled Predis team to focus on their core AI capabilities

Predis.ai is a generative AI SaaS products that creates branded and editable social media posts using a few lines of text, product details, or blog content. Integrating Polotno's editor into their workflow has significantly enhanced their offering, allowing for rapid iteration and high customization.

The challenge

Predis.ai needed an efficient way to generate editable social media posts with a focus on AI-driven content. Building an in-house editor posed a significant challenge due to limited resources and the complexity of HTML canvas and low-level APIs.

The outcome

Integrating Polotno enabled Predis.ai to quickly implement a robust, customizable editor, dramatically reducing development time and allowing the team to focus on their core AI capabilities and other business objectives.

Polotno provided the necessary tools to create a customizable, drag-and-drop editor that seamlessly fit into Predis.ai's workflow. The integration process was quick, taking about a week, and allowed Predis.ai to iterate and experiment faster. Polotno's support and frequent updates have been pivotal in maintaining a smooth user experience.

The challenge

Overcoming development hurdles and time constraints to enhance the core product

Predis.ai aimed to enhance their AI-driven content generation with a flexible and easy-to-use editor. The challenge was to avoid the extensive development time and resources required to build an in-house solution from scratch. Aakash highlighted, "Initially, we did not have that much amount of templates or the ability to generate complex templates. It was very few things that were editable." This limitation meant that Predis.ai needed a solution that could integrate seamlessly with their existing technology stack and offer the flexibility to grow and adapt as their product evolved.

Furthermore, Predis.ai's core competency was in AI, not in building and maintaining a robust design editor. Investing significant time and resources into developing an in-house editor would divert attention from their primary goal of improving AI-driven content generation. This was particularly challenging for a lean team that prioritized rapid iteration and user feedback.

The solution

Beating the production clock with a ready-made visual design SDK

The solution came in the form of Polotno, a customizable and user-friendly design editor that met Predis.ai's needs. "We came across Polotno and found that it was mostly exactly what we needed," Aakash mentioned. Predis.ai integrated Polotno's editor into their workflow, leveraging its flexibility and ease of use to create a seamless editing experience for their users.

The integration process was straightforward and quick, taking about a week. Aakash noted, "We try and experiment a lot faster than what usually people do, so it was not more than a week with some initial bugs and fixes." Polotno's editor provided Predis.ai with the capabilities to offer editable, branded content to their users without the need for extensive in-house development.

By using Polotno, Predis.ai could focus on their core AI capabilities while providing a high-quality editing experience. The drag-and-drop functionality and JSON-to-design perspective allowed Predis.ai to offer a fluid and intuitive user interface, essential for their target audience.

"It was a very copy paste kind of thing that we initially did. It was up and running pretty quickly… within 1 or 2 weeks"

Aakash Kerawat

Predis.ai co-founder on integrating Polotno

The outcome

Completing business objectives while driving user satisfaction

The integration of Polotno into Predis.ai's workflow resulted in several positive outcomes. Firstly, it allowed the team to rapidly deploy a robust editing solution, significantly reducing development time and effort. Aakash estimated that integrating Polotno saved them months of development work and allowed them to focus on enhancing their AI-driven content generation capabilities.

Secondly, the user feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The flexibility and customization options provided by Polotno ensured that users had a seamless and intuitive editing experience.

Lastly, the collaboration with Polotno's team was highly beneficial. Aakash appreciated the responsive support and the implementation of feature requests. "Just yesterday, I requested one feature from Anton (the founder), and today, we will be upgrading to that version where he fixed that stuff, " he mentioned. This ongoing support and the regular updates ensured that Predis.ai could continuously improve their offering based on user feedback.

Here's what Aakash had to say to those hesitating to make the choice:

Experience the Polotno advantage

Save engineering time and effort, launch quickly and delight your users with robust visual editing capabilities

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