
Element represents a graphical object on the page or group. An element can have one of these types:

  • text

  • image

  • svg

  • line

  • figure

  • video

  • group

const element = store.activePage.addElement({
  type: 'text',
  x: 50,
  y: 50,
  fill: 'black',
  text: 'hello',

// logs 50

// set new position
element.set({ x: 100 });

Basic actions

Read properties

At any time, you can access any property of an element. See documentation for every type of element to see all available properties.

const element = store.selectedElements[0];
// logs type of element
// logs id of element


Set new attributes to the element.

text.set({ x: text.x + 10, text: 'new text' });

Custom properties

You can't write ANY property directly into an element. If you want to write some additional data into the element, you can use custom attribute.

// 🛑 this line will not work, because elements has no attribute userId
element.set({ userId: '12' });
// 🟢 you can write such data into "custom" attribute
element.set({ custom: { userId: '12' } });
// read custom attribute


Move element up on z-index.



Move element down on z-index.



Move element to the top of the page or a group.



Move element to the bottom of the page or a group.



You can use draggable, contentEditable, styleEditable, removable and resizable attributes to lock element editing.

// lock the object
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: false,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: false,
  // can we change style of element?
  styleEditable: false,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: false,
  // can we remove an element?
  removable: false,

console.log(element.locked); // true

// unlock it
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: true,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: true,
  // can we change style of element?
  styleEditable: true,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: true,
  removable: true,

Text element

Text elements allow you to create a text on the canvas.

Here is the example of default properties.

  type: 'text',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  rotation: 0,
  locked: false, // deprecated
  blurEnabled: false,
  blurRadius: 10,
  brightnessEnabled: false,
  brightness: 0,
  shadowEnabled: false,
  shadowBlur: 5,
  shadowOffsetX: 0,
  shadowOffsetY: 0,
  shadowColor: 'black',
  shadowOpacity: 1,
  name: '', // name of element, can be used to find element in the store
  text: 'Hey, polotno',
  // placeholder is working similar to input placeholder
  // it will be rendered if no text is defined
  // and we will use it in input element too
  // useful for template canvas, where users will need to replace text elements
  // important (!) placeholders are removed from export result
  placeholder: '',
  fontSize: 14,
  fontFamily: 'Roboto',
  fontStyle: 'normal', // can be normal or italic
  fontWeight: 'normal', // can be normal or bold or some other CSS variations
  textDecoration: '',
  fill: 'black',
  align: 'center',
  width: 0,
  strokeWidth: 0,
  stroke: 'black',
  lineHeight: 1,
  letterSpacing: 0, // % from font size,
  backgroundEnabled: false,
  backgroundColor: '#7ED321',
  backgroundOpacity: 1,
  backgroundCornerRadius: 0.5, // % from half line height
  backgroundPadding: 0.5, //% from half line height

  // can user select element?
  // if false, element will be "invisible" for user clicks
  selectable: true,
  // use for absolute positing of element
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  // also we can hide some elements from the export
  showInExport: true,
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: true,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: true,
  // can we remove element from UI with button or keyboard?
  removable: true,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: true,
  // can we change style of element?
  styleEditable: true,


Enable edit mode for the text. It puts cursor inside the text and a user can do regular text editing.

You can use text.toggleEditMode() to enter "edit mode" programmatically. For example, right after you created a new text element.

Image element

Image element will draw an image on the canvas. By default images will do smart-cropping to fit into its size.

  type: 'image',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  rotation: 0,
  locked: false, // deprecated
  blurEnabled: false,
  blurRadius: 10,
  brightnessEnabled: false,
  brightness: 0,
  shadowEnabled: false,
  shadowBlur: 5,
  shadowOffsetX: 0,
  shadowOffsetY: 0,
  shadowColor: 'black',
  shadowOpacity: 1,
  name: '', // name of element, can be used to find element in the store
  // url path to image
  src: 'https://example.com/image.png',
  keepRatio: false, // can we change aspect ratio of image

  // url path to svg or image that will be used to clip image
  // cab be used for image framing
  clipSrc: '',
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  cropX: 0, // 0-1 : % from original image width
  cropY: 0, // 0-1 : % from original image height
  cropWidth: 1, // 0-1 : % from original image width
  cropHeight: 1, // 0-1 : % from original image height
  cornerRadius: 0,
  borderColor: 'black',
  borderSize: 0,
  flipX: false,
  flipY: false,

  // can user select element?
  // if false, element will be "invisible" for user clicks
  selectable: true,
  // use for absolute positing of element
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  // also we can hide some elements from the export
  showInExport: true,
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: true,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: true,

  // can we remove element from UI with button or keyboard?
  removable: true,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: true,


Enter into "crop mode" of the image programmatically.

SVG element

SVG elements works very similar to Image element, but has ability to replace its internal colors (not supported for all possible svgs).

const svgElement = page.addElement({
  type: 'svg',
  src: 'https://example.com/image.svg',
  maskSrc: '', // should we draw mask image over svg element?
  keepRatio: false, // can we change aspect ratio of svg?
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  rotation: 0,
  locked: false, // deprecated
  blurEnabled: false,
  blurRadius: 10,
  brightnessEnabled: false,
  brightness: 0,
  shadowEnabled: false,
  shadowBlur: 5,
  shadowOffsetX: 0,
  shadowOffsetY: 0,
  shadowColor: 'black',
  shadowOpacity: 1,
  name: '', // name of element, can be used to find element in the store
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  flipX: false,
  flipY: false,
  cornerRadius: 0,
  // can user select element?
  // if false, element will be "invisible" for user clicks
  selectable: true,
  // use for absolute positing of element
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  // also we can hide some elements from the export
  showInExport: true,
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: true,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: true,
  // can we remove element from UI with button or keyboard?
  removable: true,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: true,
  // map of originalColor -> newColor, used to replace colors in svg image
  // do not change it manually. Instead use `el.replaceColor(originalColor, newColor)
  colorsReplace: {},


⚠️ Removed from v1.0.0-5 – please do not use it.

Array of colors detected in the svg image. You can use this array to replace colors in the svg image.



If you want to detect colors in svg string you can use this:

import { urlToString, getColors, useSvgColors } from 'polotno/utils/svg';

// in react component:
const Toolbar = ({ element }) => {
  const colors = useSvgColors(element.src); // will return array of colors detected in the svg image

// in functions:
async function getSvgColors(element) {
  const svgString = await urlToString(element.src);
  const colors = getColors(svgString);

svgElement.replaceColor(oldColor, newColor)

Some svg files support color replacement. Polotno can do that when a color of internal svg node is defined as fill property. You can replace some colors, to modify original image.

svgElement.replaceColor('red', 'blue');

Line element

You can use line element to draw lines and arrows on the canvas. For now line elements may not support all available filters from JSON.

const lineElement = page.addElement({
  type: 'line',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  width: 400,
  height: 10,
  name: '', // name of element, can be used to find element in the store
  color: 'black',
  rotation: 0,
  dash: [], // array of numbers, like [5, 5]
  startHead: '', // can be empty, arrow, triangle, circle, square, bar
  endHead: '', // can be empty, arrow, triangle, circle, square, bar
  // can user select element?
  // if false, element will be "invisible" for user clicks
  selectable: true,
  // use for absolute positing of element
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  // also we can hide some elements from the export
  showInExport: true,
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: true,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: true,
  // can we remove element from UI with button or keyboard?
  removable: true,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: true,
  styleEditable: true,

Figure element

You can use figure to draw basic shapes on the canvas. It has large collection of shapes that can be controlled with subType property.

const figureElement = page.addElement({
  type: 'figure',
  subType: 'rect',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  width: 400,
  height: 400,
  fill: 'black',
  stroke: 'red',
  strokeWidth: 40,
  cornerRadius: 40,

Currently supported list of subType:

rect, circle, star, triangle, rightTriangle, diamond, pentagon, hexagon, speechBubble, cross, arc, cloud, rightArrow, leftArrow, downArrow, upArrow, asterisk1, asterisk2, bookmark, butterfly, cylinder, diamond2, door, drop1, drop2, explosion, flag, flower, frame, heart1, home, home2, hourglass, house, keyhole, kiss, leaf, lightning1, lightning2, magnet, mithosis, orangeRicky, party, pillow, polygon, rainbow, rhodeIsland, shell, shield1, shield2, skewedRectangle, softFlower, softStar, stairs1, stairs2, teewee, blob1, blob10, blob11, blob12, blob13, blob14, blob15, blob16, blob17, blob18, blob19, blob2, blob20, blob21, blob22, blob23, blob24, blob25, blob26, blob27, blob28, blob29, blob3, blob30, blob31, blob32, blob4, blob5, blob6, blob7, blob8, blob9

Video element

You can use video to render video on the canvas. video element has a lot of similar properties to image element.

const videoElement = page.addElement({
  type: 'video',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  rotation: 0,

  // url path to video
  src: 'https://example.com/image.png',
  // start/end time of video in % from video duration
  // can be used for trimming video
  startTime: 0,
  endTime: 1,

  shadowEnabled: false,
  shadowBlur: 5,
  shadowOffsetX: 0,
  shadowOffsetY: 0,
  shadowColor: 'black',
  shadowOpacity: 1,
  name: '', // name of element, can be used to find element in the store

  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  cropX: 0, // 0-1 : % from original image width
  cropY: 0, // 0-1 : % from original image height
  cropWidth: 1, // 0-1 : % from original image width
  cropHeight: 1, // 0-1 : % from original image height
  borderColor: 'black',
  borderSize: 0,
  flipX: false,
  flipY: false,

  // can user select element?
  // if false, element will be "invisible" for user clicks
  selectable: true,
  // use for absolute positing of element
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  // also we can hide some elements from the export
  showInExport: true,
  // can element be moved and rotated
  draggable: true,
  // can we change content of element?
  contentEditable: true,

  // can we remove element from UI with button or keyboard?
  removable: true,
  // can we resize element?
  resizable: true,

Group element

Group element is a container for other elements. It can be used to move multiple elements together.

Here is the example of default properties.

const page = store.addPage();
  type: 'text',
  text: 'Hello world',
  id: 'text-1',
  type: 'text',
  text: 'Hello world',
  id: 'text-2',
const group = store.groupElements(['text-1', 'text-2']);

  name: 'group',
  opacity: 0.5,

  custom: {},

  visible: true,
  selectable: true,
  removable: true,
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  showInExport: true,

// ungroup:

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