
Store is a root data model object that you can use to read and control canvas content, check selection, export into different formats and a lot more! It will also provide you with access to Pages and Elements.

import { createStore } from 'polotno/model/store';
const store = createStore({
  key: 'YOUR_API_KEY', // you can create it here:
  // you can hide back-link on a paid license
  // but it will be good if you can keep it for Polotno project support
  showCredit: true,

Working with pages


Store is a set of pages. Each pages have elements on it.

const page = store.addPage();


The getter. Returns all pages of the store.


The getter. Returns current active page or the last created.


Mark a page as active. It will automatically scroll <Workspace /> to that page.

// select second page


Remove pages from the store

// remove current page


Remove all pages from the store

store.clear(); // it will remove all data and reset undo history

store.clear({ keepHistory: true }); // it will remove all data but keep undo history


store.width and store.height

Returns size of every page.

console.log('Width is', store.width);

store.setSize(width, height, shouldUseMagicResize?)

Set new size of every page in the store.

// just change the pages size
store.setSize(1000, 500);

// resize all pages and apply "magic resize"
// magic resize will automatically change sizes of all elements and adjust their position for a new size
store.setSize(1000, 500, true);


Getter for current zoom level of the active page.

console.log('zoom is', store.scale);


Change zooming of active page.



Getter for current opened side panel


Name of the side-panel that was opened before the current want. Useful if you want to open a side panel temporary for some action then restore back the original side panel.


Change open side panel manually.


store.setUnit({ unit, dpi })

Set unit metrics to use in UI.

  unit: 'mm', // mm, cm, in, pt, px
  dpi: 300,

Important! Setting new unit will NOT change values in store and elements attributes, such as width, height, x, y, fontSize. They will still be saved in pixels. Unit metrics will be used only for default UI from Polotno.


Returns unit used in UI to display measures. By default it is px. You can change it to pt, mm, cm, in.


Returns dpi used to convert pixels to other units.


Show or hide bleed area on the workspace

store.activePage.set({ bleed: 20 }); // set bleed in pixels



Getter for current state of bleed visibility


Show or hide rulers on workspace



Getter for current state of rulers visibility


Set role of the current user. Possible values are: user and admin. For more information see Roles Documentation.


Working with elements


Returns array of currently selected elements on the current page

const firstSelected = store.selectedElements[0];


Selects elements on the canvas by their ids.



Remove elements from the store.



Finds elements on the store by passed id:

const element = store.getElementById('some-id');
element.set({ x: 0 });


Group elements. It will create a new element with type group and will move all passed elements inside it.

const ids = =>;


Ungroup elements. It will move all elements inside group to the page and remove the group.

const id = store.selectedElements[0].id;



Can we undo state?


Undo last changes

store.activeElements[0].set({ x: 10 });


Redo changes.

// cancel changes

// apply changes again

store.history.transaction(async () => {})

Batch several actions into one history entry.

store.history.transaction(async () => {
  const element = store.activePage.addElement({
    type: 'text',
    text: 'loading',
  const text = await serverRequest();
  element.set({ text });

store.history.ignore(async () => {})

Run transaction that should be ignored in history

store.history.ignore(() => {
  // that change will be NOT create new history point
  element.set({ x: 0, y: 0 });


Create a new history transaction. After that command all changes will be recorded as one history point.


Finish created transaction and record all changes as one history point.


Clear history.



Save store into plain object.

const json = store.toJSON();

// your own function to save JSON somewhere

store.loadJSON(json, keepHistory?)

Load passed json into the store. It will update all properties, pages and elements. By default loading JSON into the store will reset undo/redo history (so a user can't undo it). You can use keepHistory argument, if you want to preserve the history.

import { createStore } from 'polotno/model/store';
const store = createStore({
  key: YOUR_API_KEY, // you can create it here:
  // you can hide back-link on a paid license
  // but it will be good if you can keep it for Polotno project support
  showCredit: true,

// save to JSON at some point of time
const json = store.toJSON();

// load from JSON
// remember that "json" should be a javascript object
// if you have a json string, you may need to parse it - JSON.parse(string);

// load JSON by save previous undo history
// a user can undo this action
store.loadJSON(json, true);


store.on('change', () => {})

Listen to any changes in the store. The event may trigger frequently on some operations like resize or dragging. store.on() will return back unsubscribe function.

// unsubscribe function
const off = store.on('change', () => {
  console.log('something changed');
// that line will unsubscribe from the event

// write a function for throttle saving
let timeout = null;
const requestSave = () => {
  // if save is already requested - do nothing
  if (timeout) {
  // schedule saving to the backend
  timeout = setTimeout(() => {
    // reset timeout
    timeout = null;
    // export the design
    const json = store.toJSON();
    // save it to the backend
    fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify(json),
  }, 1000);

// request saving operation on any changes
store.on('change', () => {



Wait until all resources (images, fonts, etc) are loaded and displayed on the canvas.

// import data
// wait for loading
await store.waitLoading();
// do export
const url = await store.toDataURL();

await store.toDataURL()

Export store into image in base64 URL format

// default export
await store.toDataURL();

// make exported image 2x bigger (higher quality)
await store.toDataURL({ pixelRatio: 2 });

// make small export for preview
// quickMode will skip some "perfect rendering" calculations
await store.toDataURL({ pixelRatio: 0.2, quickMode: true })

// ignore page background on export
await store.toDataURL({ ignoreBackground: true });

// export as jpg
await store.toDataURL({ mimeType: 'image/jpeg' });

// export only required page
await store.toDataURL({ pageId: store.pages[1].id });

// export with page bleed
await store.toDataURL({ includeBleed: true });

await store.saveAsImage()

saveAsImage will export drawing into image and save it as local file. By default it exports just the first page. If you need to export another pages, pass pageId property.

// default export
store.saveAsImage({ fileName: 'polotno.png' });

// export as jpg
store.saveAsImage({ mimeType: 'image/jpeg' });

// make exported image 2x bigger (higher quality)
store.saveAsImage({ pixelRatio: 2 });

// ignore page background on export
store.saveAsImage({ ignoreBackground: true });

// export second page
store.saveAsImage({ pageId: store.pages[1].id });

// export with page bleed
store.saveAsImage({ includeBleed: true });

async store.toPDFDataURL()

Export store into PDF file in base64 URL format. You can use it to save to the backend.

// default export
await store.toPDFDataURL();

// double exported quality
await store.toPDFDataURL({ pixelRatio: 2 });

// ignore page background on export
await store.toPDFDataURL({ ignoreBackground: true });

// export only sub set of pages
await store.toPDFDataURL({ pageIds: [store.pages[0].id, store.pages[2].id] });

// export with page bleed and crop marks
await store.toPDFDataURL({ includeBleed: true, cropMarkSize: 20 });

// track progress
await store.toPDFDataURL({ onProgress: progress => console.log(progress) });

await store.saveAsPDF()

saveAsPDF will export drawing into PDF and save it as local file. By default it exports just the first page. If you need to export another pages, pass pageId property.

// default export
await store.saveAsPDF({ fileName: 'polotno.pdf' });

// change default dpi
// changing DPI will not effect quality of the export. But it may change page size of exported PDF
await store.saveAsPDF({ dpi: 300 }); // default is store.dpi, it equals 72

// ignore page background on export
await store.saveAsPDF({ ignoreBackground: true });

// change export quality
await store.saveAsPDF({ pixelRatio: 2 });

// export with page bleed
await store.saveAsPDF({ includeBleed: true });

// export with page bleed and crop marks
await store.saveAsPDF({ includeBleed: true, cropMarkSize: 20 });

// export only sub set of pages
await store.saveAsPDF({ pageIds: [store.pages[0].id, store.pages[2].id] });

// track progress
await store.saveAsPDF({ onProgress: progress => console.log(progress) });

await store.toBlob()

Export store into blob object, it may work faster than toDataURL method.

// default export
await store.toBlob();

// make exported image 2x bigger (higher quality)
await store.toBlob({ pixelRatio: 2 });

// ignore page background on export
await store.toBlob({ ignoreBackground: true });

// export as jpg
await store.toBlob({ mimeType: 'image/jpeg' });

// export only required page
await store.toBlob({ pageId: store.pages[1].id });

// export with page bleed
await store.toBlob({ includeBleed: true });

await store.toHTML()

Warning: this function is beta and may produce inconsistent result.

Export store into HTML string.

const html = await store.toHTML();

const html = await store.toHTML({
  elementHook: ({ dom, element }) => {
    // post process dom representation of the element
    // it is a lite jsx-like object
    // it should have "type", "props" and "children"
    console.log(dom); // first you can log it to see what is inside
    // then you can mutate it based on your custom logic
    dom.props.className = 'my-element';
    return dom;

await store.saveAsHTML()

Warning: this function is beta and may produce inconsistent result.

Export store into HTML string and save it as local .html file.

await store.toSVG()

Warning: this function is beta and may produce inconsistent result.

Export store into SVG string.

const html = await store.toSVG();

const html = await store.toSVG({
  elementHook: ({ dom, element }) => {
    // post process dom representation of the element
    dom.className = 'my-element';
    return dom;

await store.saveAsSVG()

Warning: this function is beta and may produce inconsistent result.

Export store into SVG string and save it as local .svg file.

await store.toGIFDataURL()

Export store into GIF image in base64 URL format.

await store.saveAsGIF()

saveAsGIF will export drawing into GIF and save it as local file.


In most of scenarios polotno is rasterizing (converting into bitmap) vector elements such as texts and svg images. When you do hight quality exports, you may want to temporary increase resolution of rendered elements.

// make sure all elements are rendered with increased quality
// do the export
await store.toDataURL({ pixelRatio: 2 });

Animations and video

Preview animations inside the workspace

// start playing;

// start from a specific time{ startTime: 10000 })

// automatically pause on a specific time{ endTime: 10000})

// animate only selected elements{ animatedElementsIds: => })

// loop play{ repeat: true })


Stop all animations, reset the current time


Returns current time of playback


Seek to a specific time

Working with audio

store.addAudio({ src })

Add audio into the design

  src: '',
  // optional props:
  startTime: 0, // define relative point in time of original sound to start the play.
  startTime: 1, // define relative point in time of original sound to stop the play.
  volume: 1, // from 0 to 1
  delay: 0, // in ms the duration between start of video (final scene) and audio play time

  src: '',
  delay: 10000, // the audio will start to play after 10 seconds of video
  startTime: 0.5, // if audio duration is 1 min, then we will start to hear its from its 30 secs  


Remove audio by its id


Access array of added audios of the scene => {
  console.log(, audio.src);

Working with fonts

store.addFont({ fontFamily, url })

The function to add a new custom font to the user project. Added fonts will be saved into exported JSON. If you want to add fonts available globally (ignored in JSON export), take a look into Fonts Tutorial.

  fontFamily: 'MyCustomFont',
  url: serverUrlOrBase64,

Also you can use a richer API for more control:

  fontFamily: 'MyCustomFont',
  styles: [
      src: 'url(pathToNormalFile.ttf)',
      fontStyle: 'normal',
      fontWeight: 'normal',
      src: 'url(pathToBoldFile.ttf)',
      fontStyle: 'normal',
      fontWeight: 'bold',

Or you can just register font in the store and then manually add required CSS into the page:

  fontFamily: 'MyCustomFont',


Remove custom font from the store by its name



Prepare the font to use on the webpage. Text elements inside <Workarea> will use this function automatically. But it can be useful if you want to show a list of fonts somewhere in the UI. store.loadFont(name) function will add font to the webpage, so the browser can render correct font.

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