Hidden panels

How to implement a "hidden" side panel?

You can implement a side panel that becomes visible only when triggered that you can define (e.g. triggered by element selection).

// define the new custom section
const CustomSection = {
  name: 'custom-text',
  // we don't need "Tab" property, because it will be hidden from the list
  visibleInList: false,
  // we need observer to update component automatically on any store changes
  Panel: observer(({ store }) => {
    const text = store.selectedElements[0]?.text;
    return (
          onChange={() => {
            store.selectedElements[0].set({ text: e.target.value });

// add new section to side bar
const sections = [...DEFAULT_SECTIONS, CustomSection];

// use mobx API to react to selection changes
autorun(() => {
  const textSelected = store.selectedElements[0]?.type === 'text';
  if (textSelected) {

export const App = () => {
  return (
    <PolotnoContainer className="polotno-app-container">
        <SidePanel store={store} sections={sections} />
        <Toolbar store={store} downloadButtonEnabled />
        <Workspace store={store} />
        <ZoomButtons store={store} />

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